Sell your property in Montenegro via Leo Estate

If you have a good quality property you want to sell or rent – contact us for the partnership. You can advertise your property through our website, or you can choose to put it in our off-market collection, that is not publicly presented but only offered to the selected clients. We have a strong international and local network of partners which is the base for the marketing and sales strategies we use.

Leo Estate Leads & Supports you through the process of your property sale:

  1. Property Valuation and Price Determination
    Price will play important role in the sale of your property. Our authorized Property Valuators can help you with price determination.
  2. Agency Contract with Leo Estate
    We are signing an enrollment agreement where all details of our agreement is defined – closing costs, agency commission fees, marketing and sales strategy.
  3. Presentation of Property
    This step is crucial for attracting buyers to see your property. We can organize property cosmetic & mechanical upgrades that can result in increasing selling price. High quality photos of the real estate are a must for a notable presentation and attracting interest of the buyers. We can organize professional photographers and videographers to make your property stand out.
  4. Finding Buyers
    We are presenting your property through our sales and marketing strategies. In this phase, expect visits and inspections from potential buyers we can completely organize, according to our Agency Contract.
  5. Closing Sales
    Your buyer is found! We are completing the deal and closing the sale according to our Agency Contract.

Leo Estate is the Montenegro affiliate partner of the international marketing platform and luxury home business club Baerz & Co. With the innovative marketing strategies we use, your property will be advertised on high end portals, luxury magazines and off market platforms in 65 countries around the world.

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